Cloud computing Architecture and Management- Managing the cloud
Business companies are increasingly looking to move or build their corporate applications on cloud platforms to improve agility or to meet dynamic requirements that exist in the globalization of businesses and responsiveness to market demands. But, this shift or moving the applications to the cloud environment brings new complexities. Applications become more composite and complex, which requires leveraging not only capabilities like storage and database offered by the cloud providers but also third-party SaaS capabilities like e-mail and messaging. So, understanding the availability of an application requires inspecting the infrastructure, the services it consumes, and the upkeep of the application. The composite nature of cloud applications requires visibility into all the services to determine the overall availability and uptime.
Cloud application management is to address these issues and propose solutions to make it possible to have insight into the application that runs in the cloud, as well as implement or enforce enterprise policies like governance and auditing and environment management while the application is deployed in the cloud. These cloud-based monitoring and management services can collect a multitude of events, analyze them, and identify critical information that requires additional remedial actions like adjusting capacity or provisioning new services. Additionally, application management has to be supported with tools and processes required for managing other environments that might coexist, enabling efficient operations.
Cloud migration encompasses moving one or more enterprise applications and their IT environments from the traditional hosting type to the cloud environment, either public, private, or hybrid. Cloud migration presents an opportunity to significantly reduce costs incurred on applications. This activity comprises different phases like evaluation, migration strategy, prototyping, provisioning, and testing.
Evaluation: Evaluation is carried out for all the components like current infrastructure and application architecture, environment in terms of compute, storage, monitoring, and management, SLAs, operational processes, financial considerations, risk, security, compliance, and licensing needs are identified to build a business case for moving to the cloud
Migration strategy: Based on the evaluation, a migration strategy is drawn—a hotplug strategy is used where the applications and their data and interface dependencies are isolated and these applications can be operationalized all at once. A fusion strategy is used where the applications can be partially migrated; but for a portion of it, there are dependencies based on existing licenses, specialized server requirements like mainframes, or extensive interconnections with other applications.
Prototyping: Migration activity is preceded by a prototyping activity to validate and ensure that a small portion of the applications are tested on the cloud environment with test data setup.
Provisioning: Premigration optimizations identified are implemented. Cloud servers are provisioned for all the identified environments, necessary platform softwares and applications are deployed, configurations are tuned to match the new environment sizing, and databases and files are replicated. All internal and external integration points are properly configured. Web services, batch jobs, and operation and management software are set up in the new environments.
Testing: Postmigration tests are conducted to ensure that migration has been successful. Performance and load testing, failure and recovery testing, and scale-out testing are conducted against the expected traffic load and resource utilization levels.
The following are the four broad approaches for cloud migration that have been adopted effectively by vendors:
1. Migrate existing applications: Rebuild or re-architect some or all the applications, taking advantage of some of the virtualization technologies around to accelerate the work. But, it requires top engineers to develop new functionality. This can be achieved over the course of several releases with the timing determined by customer demand.
2. Start from scratch: Rather than cannibalize sales, confuse customers with choice, and tie up engineers trying to rebuild existing applications, it may be easier to start again. Many of the R&D decisions will be different now, and with some of the more sophisticated development environments, one can achieve more even with a small focused working team.
3. Separate company: One may want to create a whole new company with separate brand, management, R&D, and sales. The investment and internet protocol (IP) may come from the existing company, but many of the conflicts disappear once a newborn in the cloud company is established. The separate company may even be a subsidiary of the existing company. What is important is that the new company can act, operate, and behave like a cloud-based start-up.
4. Buy an existing cloud vendor: For a large established vendor, buying a cloud-based competitor achieves two things. Firstly, it removes a competitor, and secondly, it enables the vendor to hit the ground running in the cloud space. The risk of course is that the innovation, drive, and operational approach of the cloud-based company are destroyed as it is merged into the larger acquirer.
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1. The anatomy of cloud computing. Available [Online]: http://www. niallkennedy. com/blog/2009/03/cloud-computing-stack.html. Accessed May 1, 2014.
2. Anatomy of cloud platform. Available [Online]: Accessed May 2, 2014.
3. Mell, P. and T. Grance. The NIST definition of cloud computing (draft). NIST Special Publication 800.145: 7, 2011.
4. Herbst, N.R., S. Kounev, and R. Reussner. Elasticity in cloud computing: What it is, and what it is not. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2013), San Jose, CA, 2013.
5. Server consolidation. Available [Online]: http://searchdatacenter.techtarget.
com/definition/server-consolidation. Accessed April 28, 2014.
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